In March 2001 we went to Québec for our first ever dogsledding trip. The perfect snow, mild temperatures and sunshine were a blast.
Together with our Quebecois friend Daniel, we explored the Charlevoix region, learning the mushing skills the hard way. His advice was simple: “Jee, to go to the left, Ha to go to the right, and hike to move one, the rest you will learn on the trail!”
After this trip, we understood Rasmussens’s statement better than ever: “Give me snow, give me dogs, you can have all the rest!”
This adventure was the inspiration for our future winter expeditions.
We also stayed with Régent Sioui at his Tsonontwan camp. Régent is a chief from the Huron Nation who teached us lots about native history and spirituality. Luckily we met Bob Seven Crows, a MicMac storyteller/singer-songwriter who made an immense impression on both of us and who told us the story of “Kwey and Kwey”, we will never forget!